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Our mission is to enhance your portfolio and offer you more freedom through a lucrative and sustainable E-commerce store.

For nearly three years we have been the go-to Automation provider for E-commerce clientele & Brand Management clients.

Our Story.

Created by the desire to deliver largely passive cash flows through a new-age business model

Founded in early 2020 by entrepreneur and seasoned E-commerce seller James Anderson, Amz Automation Guru began building E-commerce stores from scratch for clients.

Fast forward to today and hundreds of satisfied clients trust us with management of their E-commerce stores. Here at Amz Automation Guru, we care about the longevity, sustainability and success of each of our clients’ stores. That is why we were among the first to offer a long-term E-commerce business model for our clients.

By leveraging our combined decades of e-commerce and marketing experience, our prestigious distributor, warehouses, and logistics providers, we are able to stand out amongst the noise.

We pride ourselves on client satisfaction and success stories. When you partner with us, we scale your brand to new heights or build you a lucrative E-commerce store from scratch.

We’re a team of e-commerce professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Whether you are onboarding a new brand on E-commerce or have a new wholesale E-commerce store with us, we work hard to ensure that your business receives maximum exposure. We have a wide range of experience so whatever e-commerce goals you have in mind—no matter how big or small—we can achieve them.

With a wide range of skillsets and experience levels, we’re able to offer our clients a comprehensive suite of services that span from brand onboarding, brand marketing strategy, A-To-Z brand management, or a profitable E-commerce store from scratch. Our team is one of the most experienced in the space and every member is committed to making sure your E-commerce store succeeds.

Through our global network we have expanded to provide brand management services for celebrities and public figures worldwide.

We are here to stay. We are Amz Automation Guru.

About Us

Amz Automation Guru Automation is a one-stop Automation service provider providing clients largely passive income solutions. At Amz Automation Guru, we offer end-to-end management services through Done For You eCommerce stores.

We build, manage and grow clients their very own Automated E-commerce store or TikTok Shop. Whether you’re new to eCommerce or a seasoned seller, we create profitable stores from scratch AND scale existing stores.

Amz Automation Guru was the first provider to offer E-commerce Store Automation over 5 years ago. Over the years Amz Automation Guru has offered sustainable eCommerce solutions to stand out amongst the noise.

Amz Automation Guru grants you the opportunity to take part in an automated E-commerce business of your own. Our founder, partners, and management team seasoned e-commerce sellers with decades of experience and millions in sales collectively.

What Sets Us Apart?

Our years of experience in e-commerce and combined eight figures in sales revenue distinguish us from other providers. Professionalism is our cornerstone.