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Done-For-You Stores: #1 eCommerce Automation Provider

Amz Automation Guru offers a range of Done For You eCommerce store services including E-commerce Automation. We manage and grow your store for you. Sit back, relax, and profit while we do the heavy lifting. 

Get in Touch with Us

Have a question? Need assistance? Contact us now.

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What do we do for our clients?


We ensure your E-commerce store is set up and ready to be successfully automated whether it is brand new or an aged store transferred to our management team. We set up contracts with the nation’s top brands and get your inventory set up in 30-60 days during the onboarding process.

Full-Time Management

Our dedicated team of E-commerce selling experts monitors and scales your E-commerce store to new heights. We manage your products, inventory, sales, customer service & store entirely. We have several Automation clients generating 6-7 figures in revenue annually.

Generate Revenue

The purpose of an E-commerce Automation business is to earn largely passive cash flows while doing minimal work. This is what our team does for clients while targeting a 15%+ profit margin.

Our Services

eCommerce Is Only Growing

E-commerce Automation service

Covid-19-related online shopping resulted in an additional $174.87 billion in e-commerce revenue in 2020, with online sales accounting for nearly all gains in retail in 2020.

This is the first time in history that ecommerce sales accounted for all retail sales gains, with E-commerce alone representing nearly one-third of all U.S. e-commerce sales.

What Else Does Amz Automation Guru Offer?

We are launching new largely Passive Automation services in 2024. We also offer standalone services such as Domestic Tax Exemption, TikTok Shop Automation, Shopify Automation and have a few established eCommerce stores for sale at any given time.

Additionally, we offer Brand Management services for brands that would like to expand their presence to the E-commerce platform.

Our Client Results

What our customers say

“Waking up to sales already taking place on my store every day is such a thrill. Knowing my E-commerce store is growing in value is the cherry on top. Thanks to Katie and the team at Amz Automation Guru!”

Emily J.

“What I love most about working with Amz Automation Guru is their communication. I am always responded to very quickly. My experience with Amz Automation Guru has been fantastic over the last 12 months. They are more transparent and communicative than other providers I worked with in the past.”

Sophia B.
“I have to say I’m impressed with the passive cashflows my automated E-commerce store is generating for me every month.”

Michael S.

“Amz Automation Guru has totally eliminated the learning curve. The Automation service they offer is turnkey and unique. They set up an E-commerce store for me 6 months ago and I’m already seeing nice passive profits daily! Highly recommend the Amz Automation Guru team.”

Daniel M.

Client Requirements


The client must make a one-time upfront investment also known as a buy-in.

Inventory Cost

The client must provide capital or credit for the first batch of products and restocking inventory.

Positive Attitude

We want to work with people who understand the power of ecommerce and share our enthusiasm.

Meet our Team

Our dedicated team of e-commerce experts monitors and scales your store to new heights. We manage your products, inventory, sales, customer service & store entirely. We have several Automation clients generating 6-7 figures in revenue annually. Our team has offices in the United States (Orange County as well as Oregon), and in the Philippines. Collectively we have 8 figures in sales revenue and decades of experience selling on eCommerce marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, TikTok Shop, and Shopify.
Katie Melissa

Multi 7-figure Amazon Seller, Amazon Coach, Automation Expert & Shopify Seller

Nick James

Experienced Amazon Seller, E-commerce Expert, Software Engineer, Sales Coordinator

50+ Employees

Our experienced team helps manage and grow your ecommerce store.

Our Founder is Featured in

Frequently Asked Questions

For our Automation services, you largely do nothing after the onboarding process. We ensure your E-commerce store is set up and ready to be successfully automated whether it is brand new or an aged store transferred to our management team. We set up contracts with the nation’s top brands and get your inventory set up in 30-65 days during the onboarding process for E-commerce.

An added bonus to working with us is that we do all the heavy lifting for you. Aside from managing and growing your store, we also provide accounting services. We send our E-commerce clients Profit & Loss statements often. For our E-commerce Automation clients, they have access to a Sales and Profit tracking spreadsheet they have 24/7 access to, which we update daily!

No one working for and in conjunction with Amz automation guru has less than five years e-commerce experience.

All you need to do is fill out the Qualification Form on our website to book a call with one of our team members. Please come to the call prepared with questions you may have about our services.

At Amz automation guru, we choose to list items in your inventory based on a number of factors. Our product research methods are adaptive and cutting edge to stay on top of competition and ensure your store’s profit margins are healthy.

Leave that to us. Our customer service team will communicate with customers on a daily basis for any and all issues, as well as handle returns and all other processes related to your store. Returns and refunds will be accounted for.

Inquire Now

To ensure clients receive equal attention, we accept a limited number of clients per month to be Onboarded. Book a call with us to inquire about our Automation services. Our goal is to serve as your one-stop Automation provider and solve your largely passive income needs.

Boost Your Brand

Another service we offer is our exclusive Amazon Brand Management service where we boost your existing brand’s sales on Amazon through strategic paid advertising. 

Leverage our time, expertise, and resources to scale your brand to new heights. 

Amz Automation Guru offers standalone management services as well as A to Z bundled solutions.

Shopify Automation

Another service we offer is our exclusive Shopify Automation service where we build our valued clients cash-flowing branded stores on Shopify.

We utilize the Shopify Dropshipping business model meaning we list items for sale on your Shopify store and ONLY buy inventory from our suppliers after we make sales on your store. Explore this largely passive business model by scheduling a call.

Schedule a Free Consultation